"You are a very smart young woman, coming from a loving family, in the midst of creating your own loving family. You have seen some shocking videos that have solidified your position that abortion is wrong and anyone or any organization that permits and performs an abortion should be shut down. It is totally understandable and I empathize with your moral obligation to speak out. Being a very smart woman, I suppose you’ve asked yourself why would anyone fight to make abortions legal. The fact that Pro Choice argues that a woman has a right to determine her own life doesn’t mean much to you since in this case, a potential human life is ended and according to the videos in a most horrific way. That a potential life, not allowed to come to fruition is a most unfortunate, terrible consequence, one hard to ignore.
The thing is, death and destruction are our destiny. No matter what we believe, no matter how hard we strive to live with compassion and love, urged on most beautifully by Jesus himself, we need only look at the news, or study history to see that we haven’t yet risen above the violence we bring upon ourselves. The fanatics among us will not rest, for we have clever, despicable people who know how to use them to keep us ever waging wars, not just between nations, but between individuals.
A Pro Life position is not doable. Because everyday we kill something, from the smallest insect, to a school yard full of children. Or maybe we just kill the spirit of our children when we speak to them sarcastically or threaten them with a licking when their father comes home, or whack them on the behind to stop them doing something we don’t like. Death and Destruction is the reason the military was formed and exists today. We suspend our compassion when we kill in war or we will be killed. If I kill someone to protect myself or my family, I’m a hero but not to the family and friends of the person I killed.
Here is why I’m ProChoice. Women have endured death and destruction to get us to where we are today. The obstacles have been enormous, placed there by men and the women who felt compelled to stand with those men. We were slaves, some of us still are. So if we make abortion illegal and close down centers that help weaker women to stand in the light of equal rights, we open the door for more rights to be taken from us.
The sad thing is that all the rights of being a human being have to be fought for at all. Gay rights, Women’s rights, African Americans, Immigrants, Children, Animals, the list is endless.
Here is the other thing. Let me use the example you gave me about your friend. Where was her choice regarding the abortion? She was threatened and abused by her husband when he made his demands. Demands he had no right to make. ( According to my step daughter in law, the husband demanded that his wife, the mother of his two children, have an abortion or he would leave her. She had the abortion but he left her anyway. )The Choice, which should be hers and hers alone, was taken from her. What would have happened if she hadn’t had a safe place to go for her abortion?
While it doesn’t make it right, abortions have been done for centuries. Because of harsh laws both civil and religious, when abortions were illegal, many women suffered horrible things. If they had to have the child, the child suffered horrible things. The stigma surrounding a single woman having a child, is over, at least in North America. Do we really want to go back to that time?
Working to end the need for abortions is the very best thing to do. Making it illegal and closing PP is not a good way.
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